Periodic Medical Examinations for Drivers Licences in the Philippines

Periodic Medical Exam Philippine Drivers Licence
RE: Pursuant to Section 3, pararagraph B of MC#2021-2285 Supplemental Implementing Rules & Regulations of R.A.10930

* as of Feb 2023 periodic medical examinations have been suspended until further notice

Holders of Philippine Driver’s Licences are required to undergo periodic medical examinations (PME’s) to ascertain and confirm their continued suitability to drive.

5 Year Driver’s Licences

Holders of Philippine Drivers Licences valid for 5 years are required to undergo a Periodic Medical Examination on their 3rd birthdate anniversary from the issuance of their licence.

10 Year Driver’s Licences

Holders of Philippine Drivers Licences valid for 10 years are required to undergo a Periodic Medical Examination on the 4th and 7th birthdate anniversaries from the issuance of their licence.

Example of Periodic Medical Examination Schedule

Year5 YR Licence10 YR Licence
2021Medical Examination (New/Renewal)Medical Examination (Renewal)
2024Periodic Medical Examination
2025Periodic Medical Examination
2026Periodic Medical Examination (Renewal)
2028Periodic Medical Examination
2029Periodic Medical Examination
2031Periodic Medical Examination (Renewal)Periodic Medical Examination (Renewal)


Failure to comply with the above schedule(s) will leave you liable to fines and can effectively void your Philippine Driver’s Licence. It is advised to set diary reminders prior to your anniversary birthdate. Periodic Medical Examinations (PME’s) are valid for up to 2 WEEKS to allow you time prior to the above date(s) to submit them to your local Land Transportation Office (LTO).