Earn $150 a day to diet!

Earn money testing diet apps 01

Job title: Receive $150 a day for testing and reviewing dieting apps like MyFitnessPal’s Calorie Counter app on your phone or tablet

Job description: This is a killer job! We’re after someone from Philippines to test and review dieting apps like MyFitnessPal’s Calorie Counter app using your phone or tablet (both Android and IOS). You don’t even need to go on a diet or track what you eat to do this; simply test out the app while making some notes on your experience, then write it up into a short review.

Pay: $30 an hour ($150 a day)

Location: This is a remote position available to people from Philippines. All the testing and reviewing can be done online. So, if you have an internet connection, nothing is holding you back!

Requirements: Do you have… an Android or IOS phone or tablet? Internet access? And 5 hours available each week to test and review apps? Then YES, you can do this!

Experience necessary: You don’t need formal experience as an app reviewer. You need the ability to string a few sentences together and the enthusiasm to pocket some extra money. We offer full training on the best steps to take when testing and reviewing apps so you can lift your first $30 an hour ASAP.

Everyone and their mum has been on a diet at one point or another… but how many people can say they’ve earned money doing it??

Not many!

But with this job, you can track your calories and make a nice little income on the side.

This opportunity is likely to go quick!